Our History in Sussex
Sussex Agricultural Co-operative 1841 Ltd is the oldest agricultural society in the world, opening in 1841. View a brief timeline illustrating major events in our co-op’s history.
1841 - Sussex Agricultural Co-operative 1841 Ltd established
1842 - Livestock Improvement
1848 - First Seed Imported
1850 - First Plowing Match
1851 - First Agricultural Exhibition
1858 - First Livestock Auction
1926 - First Hog Shipping Club
1928 - First TB Test
1938 - Opened First Seed Cleaning Facility
1940 - First Feed Warehouse
1950 - Established Community Pasture at Gilbert Island
1951 - Lloyd Murray was hired as first GM
1970 - Grocery Store Opening
1987 - Fire
1988 - Farm Store Opening
1988 - Feed Mill Opening
1989 - Gas Car Opening
2011 - Book written on the history of Sussex & Studholm Agricultural Society #21 – Determined to Prosper by David Bent
2013 - November 18 Food Market Opening
2014 – Gas Bar Closes
2015 - Food Market Closure
2020 - Auction Facility Closed
2022 - New Warehouse

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker – Frank served on our board and now our Member of the Year Award is named after him.